Swifto Blog

Dog Has Gotten ACL Surgery, How to Walk Accordingly

How to walk your dog after ACL surgery
If your dog has ever had ACL surgery, you know that the recovery is no walk in the park. The following weeks after surgery are crucial to your dog’s healing process so it’s important that you understand the how to’s of post-ACL surgery care.  
First and foremost, listen to your vet! Listen closely to your veterinarian, as their instructions should be clearly...
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How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog?


Humans shower or bathe every day and are used to being squeaky clean. Is this safe or even reasonable for our dogs? In short, no. Dogs do not need to bathe as often as humans, and in fact, shouldn’t because being washed too often can dry out...

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Adopting A Dog From The Shelter

Adopting a dog from the shelter

Adopting A Dog From The Shelter
     Almost every city and town across the nation has an animal shelter. It’s no wonder why since there are so many homeless animals just waiting for the right human to walk in the door. This human will love them...
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10 Signs Your Dog Needs to Visit the Vet

10 Signs it's time to see the vet

10 Signs It's Time to See the Vet

Dogs, unfortunately, do not speak our language, and no matter how hard we try, communication is sometimes lost in translation. But, what happens when our dogs need to tell us something very important, like “I’m not...
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Training Your Outside Dog to Become An Inside Dog

Training your outside dog to become an inside dog
Training your outside dog to become an inside dog is a transition that will take time and patience. Outdoor dogs are accustomed to going to the bathroom anywhere and established their own rules for play. So, how do you get a dog to transition into the indoors life? Hopefully, your dog already knows simple training commands, such as sit and stay. Even...
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How Much Water Should Your Dog Be Drinking?

How much water should your dog be drinking
Do you know the amount of water your dog should be drinking? Some dog owners don’t know whether or not their pups are getting too much or too little, so it’s very important address this concern. Every dog is different, meaning that some breeds drink more water, some innately know the right amount they need, and others don’t drink enough...
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Feeding Your Dog: Establishing a Healthy Routine

Suggested feeding times for dogs




As humans, we follow a routine of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When we wake up, many of us are hungry and try to get something in our stomachs before rushing off to work. About halfway through the day, our stomachs begin to growl and we feel restless. Finally, when we get home, we are hungry again...

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Getting Your Dog To Pee On A Walk

Getting your dog to pee on a walk

    For many dogs, walks are not just for exercise and exploration; they are essential for bathroom breaks, especially for those living in cities without yard space. If your dog doesn’t cooperate during walks, it can be frustrating. Here are some tips to help your dog understand and meet your expectations.

Training Your Dog


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Why You Need a Dog Walker Even If Your Dog Is Allowed at Your Office

Since the launch of Take Your Dog to Work Day in 1999, thousands of offices have begun allowing dogs in the workplace. Companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and many independent corporations recognize the benefits dogs bring to their employees' lives and the work environment. Dogs provide comfort, reduce anxiety, and can even foster friendlier relationships between co-workers. However, even if your office allows dogs, there are limitations...

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Getting Your Dog To Lose Weight

Getting your dog to lose weight

It is not uncommon for a dog to be overweight. Today, almost half of the dogs in America are carrying excess weight. Like humans, dogs can suffer greatly if they do not maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight can lead to joint problems, heart disease, diabetes, respiratory issues, high blood pressure, and can aggravate existing conditions or those that commonly occur as dogs age. If you are concerned...

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