Swifto Blog

Four facts you may not have known about cats


Cats are such unique and interesting creatures! They were first domesticated thousands of years ago in Egypt and were worshiped like gods. Fast forward to today and there are over 80 million cats in the US alone! There’s a lot about these fast-moving felines that many people know already, like the fact that they are carnivores and natural predators. They typically weigh an average of...
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Swifto's Payment Policy

We often get asked, “when will I pay for my dog walk(s)?” so we’d love to explain a bit more about this! 
Swifto has two types of billing frequencies: weekly and monthly and all of our payments are done automatically online via credit card. We accept all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover!
Weekly Billing
All new clients are...
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Tips for dealing with a scared dog

At Swifto, we recognize that every dog has a unique personality and temperament. We understand that some dogs may be a bit anxious when they first meet you so we’d love to address a common challenge that dog walkers may face – helping our furry friends overcome fear and build a trusting relationship with you! 
Understanding Dog Fear:
Dogs may exhibit fear for various reasons, ranging from past traumatic...
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Dog Body Language and Over-stimulation on Walks

When walking a dog, there are likely several goals: for the dog to have a potty break, to tire the dog out, to spend time outdoors, and more. Whether or not the walk goes well and meets all of these goals can be very dependent on what is encountered on the walk and how both the walker and the dog respond to those encounters. However, there are several things a dog walker can look out for, pay attention to, and prepare for to help set both them and...
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What Swifto looks for when we hire a dog walker!

At Swifto, we recognize the natural apprehension that comes with entrusting your beloved dog to someone other than yourself. We know how important it is that your sweet dog receives top-notch care from someone you can trust and rely on. When Swifto hires new dog walkers, there are several key factors we consider, and we'd love to explore this process further!
A Genuine Love for Dogs
Our top priority when...
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The two hour time window and how it all works

Hi everyone!
This blog post is intended for Swifto clients! If you're a Swifto Dog Walker, feel free to check out this article here!
How does the two hour window work?
Your dog's walk will begin anytime during the guaranteed, two hour time frame. If your walk is scheduled between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM, that means your dog’s...
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What are the three main types of dog walks Swifto offers?

We know the different types of dog walks can sometimes be confusing so allow us the chance to clarify things! Swifto provides 3 main types of GPS-tracked dog walks: repeating, sporadic, and last minute walks.
Repeating walks are when you have the same schedule every week. For example, 20 minute walks starting between 1-3 pm, every Monday through Friday.  We provide consistent walkers for a consistent...
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Did you know we can take your dog to the park?

Dog parks are a perfect opportunity for some dogs to get in exercise, socialize, and enjoy the great outdoors with their favorite dog walker! Swifto understands dogs have personalities of their own, just like us, so a dog park might not be right for everyone, but if you think your pet’s play styles, personality, and training are ready for some off-leash fun, Swifto is happy to oblige! 

If you want your dog to go to the park...

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What is extended dog sitting and when can it be used?


We have received many questions about Swifto’s dog sitting service so we’d like to explain a bit more about what it is and how it works! 
Extended dog sitting is one of the many services Swifto offers and is when the dog sitter will be with your dog for the entire duration of the visit, whether this be for 2 hours or 5 hours! Dog sitting is different from overnight stays, which is when the...
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Will I get the same dog walker or pet sitter every time?

We often get asked the question, “will I have the same dog walker/pet sitter every time?” so we’d like to explain a bit more about this and how it works!

We totally understand the bond between a sitter and pet, and so in general we always like to keep it as consistent as possible between the pet's and their sitters.


Consistent Schedule

If you have a consistent schedule, you’ll be...

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