Swifto Blog

Choosing the Right Dog for Your Lifestyle

Dogs are truly incredible animals that enrich our lives with loyal companionship, numerous health benefits, and unconditional love. Owning a dog has undoubtedly benefited my life in every possible way. Many of us would probably vote our dog as our favorite family member—they never nag us to do chores, clean our rooms, or borrow the car. While owning a dog is an invaluable experience, selecting the right dog for you can be difficult and overwhelming.

Considering Your... Read More

Tips for Helping Your Dog Socialize

Dogs are naturally sociable pack animals, but a dog who’s nervous or stand-offish around other dogs isn’t a bad dog. They may just need more exposure to other dogs and guidance on how to behave in social situations. Training a dog to be relaxed and confident in social settings is easiest when they are puppies, but it’s never too late to start. Swifto has compiled some quick tips to help dogs of any age improve their social...

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Raising a Guard Dog

While some breeds have been bred to be predisposed to be excellent guard dogs, the temperament of any individual dog is the most important thing to consider. An ideal guard dog will not react to strangers with fear. Training a nervous dog to protect their family when they feel threatened is like loading a gun and firing it often and randomly. Great guard dogs are confident and only attack in dangerous, unique situations. Growling and...

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How to Tell If Your Dog Walker Is Doing a Great Job

Sometimes it’s obvious when your dog loves their walker, and you get the pleasure of seeing them together having a grand time. Other times, it’s hard to say if your dog walker is doing a great job. Here’s a checklist to help decide whether your dog walker is living up to their full potential:

Signs of a Great Dog Walker

Dog's Behavior: Is your dog relaxed, possibly laying on the ground, when you first get home yet alert and perky after you’ve settled in?...

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When Your Dog Barks at Strangers

If you’re a dog owner wondering why your adorable pet is barking at other people and dogs, instead of living up to their potential of the belle of the dog park, read on for exclusive Swifto tips to nurture your stranger-shy dog.


Every owner’s first hurdle is to understand why their dog happens to be barking at strangers. There are...

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Thanksgiving Dinner: Foods Your Dog Should Avoid and Safe Alternatives

Thanksgiving is a time for sharing, and naturally, your dog will want to partake in the feast. However, it's crucial to be aware of what your dog can and cannot eat to avoid an emergency trip to the vet. Here's a guide to help you navigate your dog's holiday meal safely.

Foods to Avoid

Undercooked or Raw Turkey: Dogs are not immune to salmonella. Ensure any turkey given to your dog is fully cooked.

Turkey Gravy: Gravy is typically high in fat and heavily seasoned, which can...

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Puppy Training for Beginners


Puppy Training For Beginners


Training a new puppy can be a rewarding yet challenging experience. There are various schools of thought on how to approach puppy training, but most trainers agree on some fundamental principles. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started.

Start Early

Begin training your puppy as soon as they feel comfortable in their new home. Early training helps prevent unacceptable...

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Do Dogs Get Depressed?


When most people hear the word "dog," they envision a happy, furry playmate. However, since around 2002, veterinary science has recognized depression in dogs as a genuine condition. While all dog owners notice a natural decline in energy as their pets transition from puppies to adults, a sharp and sudden drop in energy can be a sign of depression. Other indicators include a decrease in appetite and increased...

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How To Tell When Your Dog Needs a Walk




dog holding leash

Humans often take communication for granted. If we need a break, we simply say, “I need to stretch my legs for a few minutes.” Dogs, however, lack this verbal ability. Here are a few tips to help you understand when your dog needs to be walked:

Signs Your Dog Needs a Walk

Routine and Excitement: Dogs are creatures of habit. They get...

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Understanding Your Dog's Body Language




Dogs can’t speak, so humans need to interpret their emotions through body language. It's important to remember that dog body language doesn't directly correlate with human body language. Swifto has provided a guide to help you understand your dog's emotions by observing different body parts.


Body/PostureRelaxed Dog: Tail down, standing or lying down without tension, eyes and... Read More
