Getting Your Dog To Poop on Concrete

Getting your dog to poop on concrete

Living in the city means there isn’t always grass available. If you’ve just moved in from the suburbs, this can be a challenging transition for both you and your dog. It’s common for dogs to feel uncomfortable when they are asked to go to the bathroom in a place they aren’t used to. This often happens with dogs experiencing changes in their bathroom habits, such as moving from a training pad to the outdoors or transitioning from a suburb to a city, where grass is a rare commodity. Adjusting your dog to the city’s sidewalks and roads should be addressed as soon as possible.

Gradual Introduction to Concrete

Combine Grass and Concrete:

Start by taking your dog to bathroom spots with both grass and concrete. This allows your dog to get accustomed to the new surface gradually.

Use artificial or portable grass that you can gradually remove once your dog becomes more comfortable. Slowly decrease the size of the grass until your dog is comfortable going to the bathroom on the concrete.

Scent of Other Dogs:

Taking your dog to areas heavily populated by other dogs can help. The scent of other dogs will encourage your dog to relieve himself in the same area. Be patient as your dog sniffs around to find a spot.

Training Techniques

Lead by Leash:

Lead your pup by leash to the spot where they should go to the bathroom. If your dog starts heading toward the grass, gently redirect him with the leash and keep him on the cement.

Positive Reinforcement:

Praise your dog immediately after they go to the bathroom on the concrete. Give treats and lots of affection to help them associate the action with a reward.

If your dog begins relieving himself on the grass, interrupt him with a loud clap and then lead him to the concrete. Once they finish in the right spot, reinforce the behavior positively.

Patience and Consistency

Stay Calm:

Your attitude plays a major role in training your dog. Scolding or yelling will do more harm than good. Stay patient and calm, as unlearning a behavior can be challenging.

Bring treats with you on walks to make giving rewards easy and efficient.

Start Early:

Training your dog to go to the bathroom on concrete is easiest when they are a puppy, so begin the transition as soon as possible.

Swifto's Dog Walking Services

At Swifto, we understand the challenges of adjusting your dog to city living. Our professional dog walkers are experienced in helping dogs transition to new environments and can assist with training your dog to use the bathroom on concrete. Whether you’re looking for regular walks or sporadic ones, Swifto is here to help.

Looking to book a dog walk? Visit Swifto today to schedule a walk and ensure your dog’s smooth transition to city living.