American bull dog/Pitt mix
Beagle Chihuahua
all chihuah
boxer mutt
Mutt - Australian Shepard/Yellow Lab mix
Mini Bernedoodle
Chihuahua/Rat Terrier Mix
Boxer Hound Mix
Terrier Mix
Born and raised in the South, I moved to NYC for grad school to earn my MFA and now work part-time as an artist. I've always been a huge dog lover, and I recently lost my beloved pitbull, Murphy—he was my best friend. While my current apartment doesn’t allow dogs, I miss having that connection and would love to spend time caring for yours!
American bull dog/Pitt mix
Beagle Chihuahua
all chihuah
boxer mutt
Mutt - Australian Shepard/Yellow Lab mix
Mini Bernedoodle
Chihuahua/Rat Terrier Mix
Boxer Hound Mix
Terrier Mix