Getting Your Dog To Lose Weight

Getting your dog to lose weight

It is not uncommon for a dog to be overweight. Today, almost half of the dogs in America are carrying excess weight. Like humans, dogs can suffer greatly if they do not maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight can lead to joint problems, heart disease, diabetes, respiratory issues, high blood pressure, and can aggravate existing conditions or those that commonly occur as dogs age. If you are concerned about your dog’s weight and want them to enjoy a healthier life, you can help!


Diet and Nutrition

Proper Feeding:

  • Feeding your dog too much or too often can lead to more calories than your dog needs. Use your dog’s age, breed, and current weight to determine their daily caloric needs. Consult your vet for specific recommendations and research the appropriate caloric intake for weight loss.
  • Avoid leaving food out all day. Instead, set designated feeding times and be mindful of portion sizes. This helps control calorie intake and prevents overeating.

Healthy Treats:

  • Opt for fresh vegetables and fruits as treats, which provide fewer calories and more nutrients compared to many store-bought treats.
  • Avoid feeding your dog table scraps to better monitor their calorie intake and ensure they’re getting the right nutrients.


  • Ensure your dog has plenty of water. Hydration aids in metabolic functions and can support weight loss.


Exercise and Activity

Daily Walks:

  • Regular exercise is crucial. Skipping daily walks can negatively impact your dog’s health and weight loss efforts. Walks support respiratory and cardiovascular health, improve muscle and joint function, and boost neurological capabilities.
  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of walking daily if the dog has a backyard. For dogs living in apartments, ensure they get at least an hour of exercise spread throughout the day. Longer and more frequent walks can enhance your dog’s energy levels and overall health.


  • Consistency is key. Skipping walks or having insufficient exercise sessions can hinder weight loss progress. Stick to a regular routine to help your dog shed pounds and maintain a healthy weight.


Long-Term Commitment

Healthy Lifestyle:

  • Weight loss for dogs, like for humans, requires time, support, and determination. Focus on providing nutritious food and regular exercise to help your dog lose weight gradually and maintain it.
  • Once your dog reaches their weight loss goal, continue with the healthier lifestyle to prevent weight regain.

Support and Determination:

  • Be committed to helping your dog live a long and happy life. Stay on track with their diet and exercise plan and be patient as the pounds gradually come off.


Swifto's Dog Walking Services

At Swifto, we understand the importance of regular exercise for maintaining your dog’s healthy weight. Our professional dog walkers can ensure your dog gets the consistent, quality exercise they need. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll or a vigorous walk, we tailor our services to meet your dog’s specific needs.

Looking to book a dog walk? Visit Swifto today to schedule a walk and help your dog stay healthy and fit!


Written by: Callie T.