Can your dog do this?!

Top 6 Ridiculous Dog Tricks

Skateboarding dog

Written by Emily W.


Tired of the simple “sit,” “stay,” and “shake” commands? So did the owners of these next dogs. Every pet owner knows that their dog is unique, but one way to let the world know it is to teach him or her a fun new trick to show off at their next get-together.
  1. The Skateboarding Dog
    Mulaney Skateboarding Dog

    Photo courtesy of

    Teaching your dog to ride a skateboard is a classic yet hilarious trick. The short-lived comedy Mulaney featured a skating pup and the audience ate it up. There’s no better go-to joke on a sitcom than a talented, costumed dog.

  2. The Cross-Eyed Dog

    Part of what makes a ridiculous dog trick so… well, ridiculous is usually its lack of meaning or purpose. The kind of trick that you would show off to houseguests who would reply with an awkward pause and reply, “Uh, so how long did that take you to teach him?” This next trick definitely falls in that category: the dog that can cross his eyes on command.

  3. The Balancing Act

    This trick requires an extremely patient and disciplined dog. We’ve seen the pups that can balance a treat on their noses before eating them, but what about dozens of treats? This Golden Retriever can balance a Jenga-like stack on his snout without being tempted to knock them down and feast.

  4. The Chore Completer
    dog in laundry basket

    Photo courtesy of Chris Amaral. Buy prints here.

    Did you know you could teach your dog to do simple chores like picking up laundry and separating the recycling? According to Woman’s Day Magazine, these things are entirely teachable through simple “retrieve” commands. Just another way to finish your to-do list!

  5. The "Get Busy" Trick
    dog using toilet
    dog using toilet

    Photos courtesy of USA Today.

    Baron the German Shepherd was taught to use a human bathroom, which is basically every pet owner’s dream. He was even taught to flush and put the lid down! No more messy accidents for his lucky family.

  6. The Double Dutch

    This dog learned how to jump double dutch, and can carry on for an impressive amount of time. The two kids that own him will never be at a loss for a third player, as long as they never want to take a turn jumping, that is.

Every dog can learn something unique if they’re given patience and time. Then again, maybe owning a cross-eyed, double-dutching dog was never something very high on your list of priorities. Whether you’re teaching your dog something new or just cuddling with them on the couch watching other silly dogs on YouTube, it’s bound to be a good time.