How To Tell When Your Dog Needs a Walk




dog holding leash

Humans often take communication for granted. If we need a break, we simply say, “I need to stretch my legs for a few minutes.” Dogs, however, lack this verbal ability. Here are a few tips to help you understand when your dog needs to be walked:

Signs Your Dog Needs a Walk

Routine and Excitement: Dogs are creatures of habit. They get excited around their usual walk time. If your dog rushes to greet you as soon as you get home, they’re likely eager to tell you something important—such as needing a walk.

Weight Gain: If your dog has gained weight recently, consider extending their walk length or adding an extra walk to their daily schedule. Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight.

Accidents Indoors: Frequent accidents inside the house may indicate that your dog needs more opportunities to go outside throughout the day.

Anxious Behavior: A dog displaying tense body language, such as standing with a stiff posture and showing whale eyes (large, circular eyes with the whites exposed), is likely feeling stressed. If your dog stands near the door or alternates their gaze between you and the door, they’re probably signaling a need to go outside.

Excessive Energy: Conversely, your dog may become overly excited to show they need to go out. Trembling, play bowing, or becoming extremely rowdy are all signs that your dog needs to burn off some energy.

Physical Contact: Puppies often touch their noses or paws to their mothers when they need something. Similarly, if your dog keeps putting their paw on your knee or nudging you with their nose, they might be trying to tell you they need a walk.

Bringing the Leash: Some dogs will bring their leash to you as a clear signal that they want to go outside.

Benefits of Regular Walks

Regular walks help reduce your dog’s anxiety and improve their behavior. Ensuring your dog gets enough exercise is key to their overall well-being. By paying attention to these signals, you can better meet your dog’s needs and keep them happy and healthy.