Dog Training

How to train your dog


Obedience training is important for the emotional well-being of yourself and your dog. When you and your dog effectively communicate, your pet is less confused about their role in your family (their pack) and can healthily participate in family activities. Here are some basic obedience dog training tips:

1) Praise and reward your dog when he does what you ask of him, give an appropriate correction when he doesn't do what he has been taught to do.

2) Repetition of the command and the action is crucial when dog training. Believe in what you are doing and stick to it. Without sustained repetition your dog will forget the skills he’s learned.

3) Always be consistent with your dog and be sure that your family and your dog walker keeps up with your rules. If your dog isn’t allowed on the couch you have to be sure your partner or guests don’t let him up on the couch.

4) Take it slow. Master one easy command to start with then move on and build upon it.

5) Make your dog training sessions short, sharp and fun -- for you and Fido. Humans have a limited amount they retain, the same is true for our dogs. If you try to teach a behavior after your dog is unable to retain it and then expect him to perform it later, then you’ll be disappointed and your dog will be confused. Five minutes is enough time for a puppy, but as your dog gets older you may be able to lengthen the time to ten minutes.

6) In dog training you’re your dog’s pack master, so it’s important to fit in some training time with you and your dog, even if Fido goes to obedience school.

7) Test or proof the obedience commands in different situations, places, and with added distractions.

8) Find out what motivates your dog, this will be an important tool in your dog training sessions. If you buy treats but all Fido wants is deli cheese, don’t fight it. Just make sure you give out small portions of human snacks (and, of course, no harmful human snacks like chocolate or grapes).

9) Incorporate obedience training into your daily routine-- your dog could perform a "sit" before you give him his dinner or a "down, stay" when you go get the mail.

10) Never try to correct your dog if you don't catch him in the act of wrongdoing. A late correction only confuses your dog and doesn't make any sense to him.


Dog Training Step by Step


1) Dog training tips for “Sit” (best with puppies): Watch your puppy’s behavior until you can tell their physical cues before they sit. When your puppy is about to sit down on its own start saying “Sit” to them. Reward your puppy as soon as its bottom hits the ground. Attempt the command “Sit” when your puppy is standing. Reward your puppy once he learns to sit. Keep practicing.

2) Dog training tips for “Sit” (any dog): With your dog standing right in front of you, grab a small tasty treat in your hand. Guide the treat from his nose level up over his head, the treat should be a few centimeters away from your dog at all times. Your inquisitive dog will follow the treat up with his nose and at the same time his rear end will hit the ground. If your dog backs away or jumps up at the treat, it means you are taking your hand too far back over his head or holding it too far away from his nose. As soon as his behind hits the ground give him the treat and lavish him with praise. Keep repeating without leading your dog with your hand once they understand the verbal command.

3) Dog training tips for “Stay”: Put your dog into the position you would like him/her to stay in and stand directly in front of him. Keep repeating the command “Stay” or any word you’d like to use to indicate to your dog that they need to stand still. After about 1 or 2 seconds, if your dog is still in the position you requested, give him some praise and a treat. You are effectively dog training by rewarding the behavior you are looking, even if it is only a very short duration. Begin the process again from the start, this time maybe hold your praise and treat off for 3 or 4 seconds. Just take it slowly and if your dog breaks out of position at any time before you have given the release command, simply say "aah-aah"! Don't give the treat, but simply start the process again. Practice with your dog in different situations once you’ve completed the dog training for “Stay.”

4) Dog training tips for “Go to your spot” or “Go to your bed”: Choose your designated spot (make sure it's a nice and comfortable place), attach a label to it ("Go to your bed" "Go to your mat" etc.) and stick with it. Stand with your dog about 2-3 feet from the chosen spot. Say "Go to your bed" while pointing towards the spot. At the same time throw one of your dogs very favorite treats onto the spot. Your dog is sure to rush over to the bed to collect the tasty treat. As soon as he/she collects the treat be sure to praise them enthusiastically. Repeat this many many times to reinforce the behavior. Gradually increase the distance between where you and your dog are standing and the bed. Continue to practice "Go to your bed", point, throw the treat and then praise. change the job of the treat from being a lure to being a reward for the desired behavior. It goes like this - say "Go to your bed" while pointing towards the bed, but this time do not throw the treat. If your dog responds, lavish them with praise and a treat. If they don’t quite get it, go back a step and continue to use the treat as a lure. Practice the command over and over again. Also, practice with someone else in the room since “Go to your bed” is a great way to keep your dog from jumping on guests at the door.

5) Dog training tips for “Leave it”: In a familiar environment free from any distractions (other people or pets) sit down in front of your willing dog. In one hand place an ordinary "Leave It" treat (some kibble or other plain dry treat) in the other hand place your dog's very favorite "jackpot!" treat (liver, hotdog, cheese etc.). With the ordinary "Leave It" treat resting on your open palm, extend your hand out towards your dog. Don't say anything. When your dog reaches forward to gulp down the treat, quickly close your hand and don't let them get it. If they withdraws their interest, immediately say "Yes!" and give the jackpot treat from your other hand. Alternatively, if they are really persistent and determined to get at the kibble treat in your closed fist, just hold it out of reach and ignore them. Practice with the bait trick for two or three minutes. Then offer the jackpot treat with the verbal command “Leave it.” Practice until your dog makes the connection between standing still in the presence of something interesting and getting a treat.